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What Do You Want Out of This Class?

I would like to learn new perspectives about technology and it’s the role that it plays in society. I generally have a very positive perspective on new technology. I never really stop to think about the possible impacts on society. As someone interested in the field of Computer Science, I need to actively participate in what I will be apart of. This includes critically thinking about innovations. I need to think about who these technological innovations will impact and how. Also, I have to remember that these things influence society and daily lives. I often forget the fact that what happens in the virtual world impacts real life. I don’t want to participate in things that will possibly cause harm to anyone. I believe this class will help me build the skills to question the technology that exists around me. Also, I think this class will be a class that I can truly enjoy. Most of my classes are required and necessary to fulfill the university’s general education requirements. This class was my choice and I want to explore all it has to offer. The class will give me a chance to have fun while learning material that will be useful in the future. I will be able to view my assignments in a very different way. Instead of being stressed, I will remember that this is supposed to be somewhat fun. I can be creative with my assignments and even the platform I turn assignments in on (Blogger). Overall, I want this class to help me develop new analysis skills and create an academic outlet for me.


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