Overall, my experience in creating this simple web page was very easy. I have used HTML for the past 3 years. I learned HTML because of my internship at Adobe. Once I learned, I just kept advancing and advancing.
I created the page with ease and tried to pinpoint the necessary elements. To complete the assignment, I used the assignment outline which helped me keep my page simple. Once I figured out what I needed, I just started checking things off my checklist. The one tag I hadn’t used before was “<marquee>”. It was really cool and something I want to use again. I didn’t really know HTML had those movement capabilities. I had believed you needed JavaScript for those kinds of things. It makes me want to do more research on tags like this. I would definitely want to use tags like that for future projects. Also, I learned that using image links from Google don’t work. I usually don’t take image links from the internet so that was important new information. Finally, this project was simple but taught me a couple new things.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>A Simple Web Page </title>
<body style="background-color:MediumSeaGreen">
<h1>Techie Talk</h1>
<marquee>Hello World! </marquee>
<p>Welcome to Techie Talk!</p>
<img src="http://s.myniceprofile.com/myspacepic/1462/146202.gif">
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